Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Lush Lemony Flutter!

I just picked this gorgeous little pot of cream up today during my last minute shopping errands. Smells lemony delicious, and so rich. I'm currently sitting here with my nails slathered in the stuff. Oh so good! I've had some issues with dry skin on my fingers lately and I'm hoping this will take care of it. Given how rich it is, I'm thinking I have a winner on my hands!

Lemony Flutter


  1. After almost a month, what do you think about this? I use Lemony Flutter literally every night before bed. I think it actually moisturizes my nails, more than my cuticles. Do you love, or hate it?

    1. I'm really enjoying it! I use it at least twice a day, usually letting it soak in for a few minutes after I remove my polish, and before bed, then whenever I happen to think about it.

      It's definitely making a difference. I can see an improvement in my cuticles in my macro shots - I used to have a LOT more nasty dry dead skin there than I do now! And you know how unforgiving those close up, high res shots can be.
